New Dustrax Filter Unit Installed
The new Truframe installation is based around a Dustrax No. 27 WWRV filter. Waste is continuously transferred to the end of the hopper section by a floor-mounted high efficiency extraction fanset and is discharged via a heavy duty rotary valve airseal into two large capacity bulker bags for recycling.
The filter has a 108m2 of effective filter cloth area giving a filtration velocity of around 2m/min at the air handling volume specified.
Plastic Waste Extraction
Dustraction’s new installation at Truframe is providing a plastic waste extraction to service two existing BJM cutting and prep lines and ducting. The Dustrax No 27 filter will give Truframe around 8,000cfm extraction capacity, enough to cater for Truframe’s growth and expansion.
An automatic shaker system is incorporated for the periodic removal of UPVC waste from the filter sleeves, as in Dustraction’s woodwaste layouts, and is powered by a supplementary 0.37kW uni-directional electric motor. The filter media is fitted with access points for random inspection and maintenance.
A Dustrax No. 33 paddle-blade fanset has been included to handle plastic waste in chip form with a 22kW TEFC motor; all of the filter equipment is CE marked and conforms to the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations in its latest amended forms.
Dustraction attended to all COSHH/LEV needs to meet all Health and Safety Executive requirements.